A faithful reproduction of our 1854 Edition 4" Chess Set in a Mahogany casket - perfect for play, and a wonderful talking point. Part of a limited run, so buy now to own a piece of chess history.
This timeless chess set is available in the following styles:
Mahogany Box
Oak Box
Beech Box
Mahogany Casket
Jaques of London has been instrumental in the development and success of modern chess. Chess pieces before the mid 19th century were of two kinds - excessively elaborate and costly hand-carved reproductions of the Kings court, or rudely turned and daubed pieces in which rank was dictated by height alone. In the 1840s, this all changed. Nathaniel Cooke, proprietor of the Illustrated London News, brought John Jaques a new and elegant design for chessmen. Between the two of them, this initial design was polished to produce a set using symbols (for the king, a crown, for the bishop, a mitre) which could be easily recognised and reproduced. This radical design received rave reviews in the press, particularly for the exquisite design of the Knight, based on sculptures from the famous Elgin Marbles. Mr Howard Staunton, the first British chess World Champion, was so taken with the design that he agreed to have his name and signature adorn every box of pieces. The Staunton chess set, as it became known, is now the de facto standard for play at all levels. Few companies can say they influenced the development of a game the way Jaques of London has shaped the world's favourite board game, chess. This is our 1854 Edition 4" Chess Set in a solid Mahogany casket with brass furniture and a baize lining. A faithful reproduction of one of our original sets, own a piece of chess history today!
Casket: 36.5cm x 25.5cm x 16.5cm
King: Base Diameter 45mm
Rook: Base Diameter 40mm
Pawn: Base Diameter 33mm