101 Bathroom Boredom Busting Activities features activities that can all be done while doing your “business” in the bathroom. From toilet paper crafts and origami to irreverent jokes, brain-training games and puzzles, and wow-worthy “did you knows,” you will spend hours whiling away the time on the toilet. 101 Bathroom Boredom Busting Activities lets you make the most of your private time with more than 100 bathroom-themed games, crafts, trivia, riddles, and jokes that will make even the most straight-laced parent crack a smile. Take however long you need to do your business—and stay entertained in the process!
Just some of 101 the bathroom-friendly activities included in this book are:
- Bathroom Detective spot the difference
- Toot, Toot! Word search
- Poodoku Sudoku puzzle
- In and Out maze
- Plumbing Problem jigsaw puzzle
- Bathroom Bingo
- Knicker Art connect the dots
- Poo poems
- Punny poo jokes
- Toilet paper tube crafts
- Pull-out poster
Live it up with the 101 Things series, filled with activities that celebrate childhood, discovery, and just plain having fun. These ready-made bucket lists for children are journeys through art, science, film, writing, magic, and all the memory-making and exploring that is the best part of childhood. Take one of these travel-friendly guidebooks with you and check off each adventure along the way.